Success Tips to Get your Life/Career/Dream Back on Track

It is not all financial
Success is when you feel at ease with yourself, when you earn enough to sleep well at nights, when your close relationships are good and you are a positive influence on those around you. When you can deal with adversity and plan for the future. For me success is also achieving self-control, defeating procrastination and feeling motivated and passionate about my life and work

Bridging Tip : How to keep a conversation going

Bridging Tip : How to keep a conversation goingYou know the situation you are unexpectedly introduced to someone potentially important to you, you exchange a few politenesses, then there is an embarrassed pause and one of you moves on; the moment is lost. Bridging is a valuable technique used by salesmen to keep conversations going. Here are the main bridges:-

For Example...?
So then...?
Then You...?
Which means...?

How it works :-
You start be asking them say what their job is, they answer, you ask them whether they like their job, they answer briefly or uninterestedly you then need a bridging response eg "Which means...?". Keep using bridging responses until you hit one of their buttons, they will then talk enthusiastically, you will then know enough about to ask interesting questions.

Try this on a friend or colleague first until you get the knack of it, also remember the Tip "Be interested not interesting!!

Use your Pain or Failure as a Motivator
Use your Pain or Failure as a MotivatorLots of people only succeed when something bad happens to them, they were sacked or had a bad illness. In my case I dropped out of college I had to repeat my studies at my own expense, but I found when started my career I was burning with desire to catch up and exceed.

What pain or rejection have you suffered? What pain can you use to fuel your success? Remember how much more difficult it is for the "comfortable" to leave their rut.

Get Your Life Back on Track
Hey you are not alone!
Lots of people go thru this stage, only a lucky few have continuous success throughout their life, the trick is to do and want to something about it. It's encouraging that you've recognised the problem and are researching solutions.

Of course it doesn't take 5 minutes to get your life back on track and you risk going through some bad times as you leave your comfort zone and even times when you appear to be going backwards. The rewards for success and for your self esteem are immense however so why not start that journey today!

Do Not Ignore Mental Reminders
When your memory reminds you to need to phone someone, put a document in your briefcase for tomorrow, don't just think "I must do that later" because unfortunately your subconscious tends to think it's done its job and may not bother to remind you a second time! I always imagine that if you don't act immediately that your subconscious sulks and thinks well I did warn him but he didn't seem to think it important. This virtually obliges us to deal with things immediately and then, if it is not convenient/possible to complete the task there and then you must all the same take an action, eg diary it, create a post-it note etc.

Decision Making
The worst decision of all is to make "No Decision" when one is urgently required. So whenever you are required to make a difficult decision weigh up all the evidence as best you can and then choose what seems the best option. There is no point in worrying if you have chosen the right decision that is part of normal risk taking.
Progress may be Imperceptible for a Long Time
For a long time progress in a new venture may appear imperceptible, in fact right until just before it takes off it is easy to despair. This is very common occurrence, unfortunately many give up just before this happens.
Who are You?
What are your Skills and Experience?
Everyone is a unique cocktail of life and work experience, knowledge and skills. Most people also have limiting self-beliefs or conflicting ambitions. The trick is to discover what combination of doubts and skills are holding you back, to discover what are the missing ingredients of your success. Sportsmen have become successful after many years of mediocrity by making one change to their game. Businessmen by changing one product or one aspect of their marketing. Of course it requires massive amounts of self-belief in the preceding years, but that's why all the Self-Improvement books keep on and on about the power of positive thinking!

"The greatest conflicts are not between two people, but between one person and himself." Garth Brooks

Assertion or Negotiation Technique "The Broken Record"
This is the important ability to keep rephrasing your request until you have countered every objection and get agreement from the other party. This is very difficult for passive people, overly logical people and those brought up to be polite. Before going for a pay rise interview make a list of likely objections then jot down a longer list of reasons why you deserve a pay rise.

The trick is to keep coming back to the same point without appearing to be rude or boorish just persistent. Surprisingly people will respect you for this.

Keep practicing the Broken Record technique.
Breaking a Bad Habit
Is it even possible to break a bad habit?
I've been working on eliminating a bad habit I've had since I remember. I've been using the success techniques I've learned or developed to do this. I've has some success, but notice it comes back when ever I'm stressed. Getting rid of ingrained habits is tough.

I'm using two techniques:-

1) Giving getting rod of my bad habit top-priority!

2) Not punishing myself if I yield to my bad habit, but not rewarding myself either; that a

I know this is going to take time, but the satisfaction I'll have when I finally beat it will be immense.

The Five Minutes More Trick
The Five Minutes More Rule
When you are about to abandon a task because you've had enough or feel you aren't getting any where or are just bored then try applying the "5 minute Rule". Say to yourself I will stick at it for just 5 minutes more and then I can give up or take a break.

At the worst you get 5 minutes work done and at the best you will have found a second wind, got focused and become productive.

Remember the other 5 minute rule that we often want to give up a task after 5 minutes, 5 minutes into writing an essay or starting a run that's the danger time before we've warmed to the task before we see any progress, you can use the five-minute rule to help you through this discouraging phase.