5 Ways To Make Your New Year’s Resolution ‘STICK’ In 2013



Ok girl, this is the year! You will get in the best shape of your life. You will make healthier food choices. You will make your mental well-being a priority, and….you will love it. I am claiming this for you because I know that if you “stick” to these tips, you will have no problem “sticking” to your resolution this year. Now go forth and win!
S (Schedule It): Hoping is hopeless, so instead of saying, “I will workout 3 times a week in 2013,” say, “I will work out on Tuesdays in the morning, Thursdays after work and Saturday mornings.” By being specific and by scheduling it you are greatly increasing the chances of greeting 2014 with a smaller waistline than if you just “hoped” you could. So kick Mr.Vagueness to the curb and show up now so you can show off later!
T (Take It One Goal…One Day At A Time): Another reason people end up ditching their new year’s resolution come February is because they took on too much too soon. So if you have a laundry list of resolutions, cut that sucker down into many small goals instead. Then commit to tackling only one at a time. You want your focus to be sharp sis, not scattered. Another option is making one goal a ton of mini goals. Instead of saying, “I will run a half marathon before the end of the year,” sign up for 5K in the spring, then a 10K in the summer etc. Taking baby steps is a more realistic approach, so this year dive in and backstroke so you don’t end up doggy paddling come swimsuit season.
I (Involve The Homies): Literally tell everyone you know about your 2013 resolution. Don’t worry about being annoying. Your real friends will appreciate your dedication and support you in ways you’ve never imagined. Other folks…well throw them and their negativity two fingers (on the same hand please). Seriously, who you put on your team is everything and this approach really works. So go for it, work your mouth, work your body and get ready to “werk” for real!
C (Create Inspiration) Now that you know what you are going to change in 2013 take the time to setup a space that will constantly inspire you. Don’t skip this, this minor inclusion reaps major benefits. It can be a full blown inspiration board or a motivational message you make into your cell phone’s wallpaper. No matter how you set this thing up be sincere in “why” you can and will reach your goal, therefore on days when you feel like giving up you know exactly where to turn (or run) to. So head to Hobby Lobby or Michael’s and unleash your inner crafty girl!
K (Kudos Welcomed) Last but certainly not least, set up opportunities to reward and celebrate your success. Several victories in battle are what help you win the war. So if you decide to have “Meat Free Monday’s” twice a month, and you really had a veggie burger instead of a double cheeseburger for three months straight, then go ahead and buy those new pots and pans. Making your rewards specific to your goal will make you want to push harder, go stronger and win!
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