Megan ' s 1st Communion


Megan received her 1st Holy Communion in June 22nd, 2014. Family and friends were there to celebrate her special day.

Megan looked amazing in her long white dress, Her hair was on point of course that's aunt Lilly Melody ' s perfect hand work.. lol!

The food was was yummy, of course my signature pilau was there too as you already know. :-) not to forget the smoking BBQ (Texas kind) from Mr & Mrs Lachapelle  oh and Mrs Lydia Nindi's famous Maandazi and some chapatis. .
(She did good this time around.) :-)

And last but not list the famous Machalali from Mrs Edna Koku Ndanshau.
We danced and enjoyed every moment.

We thank God for our Megan.
Thank you Jesus.