Kenyatta Ashinda Kesi!!!

Mahakama ya juu zaidi nchini Kenya, imeamua kuwa rais mteule Uhuru Kenyatta atasalia kuwa rais mpya wa Kenya baada ya kusema kuwa uchaguzi ulifanywa kwa njia huru na ya haki.

Uchaguzi wenyewe ulifanyika tarehe nne mwezi Machi, ambapo hesabu ya kura ilimpa ushindi Kenyatta kwa zaidi ya laki nane.

Rais wa mahakama hiyo jaji mkuu Willy Mutunga alisema kuwa mahakama imekubali kwa kauli moja kuwa uchaguzi ulifanywa kwa njia ya huru na wazi na kuwa Kenyatta na mgombea mwenza wake walichaguliwa kihalali.

Uamuzi huu una maana kuwa Uhuru Kenyatta ndiye ataapishwa kama rais mpya wa Kenya tarehe tisa mwezi ujao

Kesi hiyo iliwasilishwa katika mahakama ya juu zaidi na mpinzani mkuu wa Kenyatta, Raila Odinga baada ya uchaguzi uliofanyika mapema mwezi huu.

Matokeo rasmi yalionyesha kuwa Uhuru alishinda uchaguzi kwa kumpiku Raila kwa asilimia 50.07 huku Raila akipata asilimia 43.28. Matokeo haya yalizuia kufanyika kwa duuru ya pili ya uchaguzi kwa kura 8,100.

Bwana Odinga aliishutumu tume huru ya uchaguzi na mipaka kwa kuhujumu matokeo ya uchaguzi ili kumpa ushindi Uhuru Kenyatta.

Uchaguzi wa urais, wabunge na wajumbe wengine wa serikali, ulifanyika tarehe nne mwezi Machi, ukiwa wa kwanza tangu uchaguzi uliokumbwa na ghasia mwaka 2007 na kusababisha vifo vya watu zaidi ya elfu moja.

Bwana Kenyatta na mgombea mwenza wake ,William Ruto,wanakabiliwa na kesi katika mahakama ya jinai kwa kuchochea ghasia za mwaka 2007. Hata hivyo wamekanusha vikali mashtaka.

Mahakama ya juu zaidi inaweza kuthibitisha ushindi wa Kenyatta au kuubatilisha uamuzi wa wakenya na hivyo kuitisha uchaguzi mpya.

Vyovyote matokeo yatakavyokuwa kuna wale watakaoghadhabika mno.

Rais anayeondoka mamlakani, Mwai Kibaki amewataka wakenya kuwa watulivu na kukubali uamuzi wa mahakama lakini wengi wanatagemea sana idara ya mahakama ambayo imekuwa na mageuzi makubwa na ambayo sasa watu watu imani nayo.

Mawakili wa Odinga wanasema kuwa kesi yao ilihusisha madai ya kuhujumu hesabu ya kura pamoja na matatizo ya usajili wa wapiga kura na vile vile matatizo ya mitambo ya usajili wa wapiga kura.

Mnamo Ijumaa mahakama ya juu zaidi ilidurusu matokeo ya kura katika vituo 22 vya kupigia kura. Na pande zote mbili zilisema matokeo yalithibitisha misimamo yao.

Kenyatta ameutaja uchaguzi huo kama ishara ya kukuwa kwa demokrasia Kenya na ulifanywa kwa njia ya amani.

Tume ya uchaguzi, pia imesisitiza kuwa uchaguzi ulikuwa huru licha ya hitilafu za kimitambo

Wachunguzi wa kimataifa nao walisema kuwa uchaguzi ulikuwa huru na wa haki na kuwa tume huru ya uchaguzi uliendesha uchaguzi huo kwa uwazi.
Taarifa zinazohusiana


Madhara ya Kutoshiriki Tendo la Ndoa kwa Muda Mrefu


Aise, kwa kawaida kama wewe si mgonjwa wa aina yoyote ile, kwa maana ya ugonjwa ku-offset system ya mwili, madhara ya kutofanya tendo la ndoa kwa muda mrefu ni makubwa kuliko unavyofikiria as long as upo ktk active range of age! madhara yapo ya Negative na positive.

Mfumo wa fahamu (central novous system) hutumia zaidi tendo la ndoa ku-radiate energy inayowezesha ubongo pamoja na mifumo mingine ya mwili kufanya kazi zake vizuri bila msongo. Suala hapa si lazima uke na uume kukutana na kuingiliana (penetration) ila tu stimulation(msisimko) inayofikisha mtu kileleni (orgasms). kwahiyo, nature(asili) inataka mke na mme kufanikisha zoezi hili maana ni jambo muhimu kama ilivyo kutoka jasho mwilini maana sio tu mwili unaondoa uchafu ndani lakini pia inacontrol joto la mwili (cooling effect).

Anayesema amekaa zaidi ya mwaka na hana madhara.., well sikatai wala sikubali maana hatuna ushahidi nalo lakini zipo njia nyingi mbadala kama kutumia sex toys, dildo(vibrant artificial penis zitumiazo umeme), usagaji n.k. sasa sijui yeye anatumia ipi sababu vichocheo anavyo mwilini and, it's brain iniciated.

Ukidumu bila tendo la ndoa muda mrefu, baadhi ya madhara madogomadogo nikama haya:
Hasira za mara kwa mara ktk mambo madogo,
kupendelea sana kuangalia picha za uchi,
Kupendelea story za mapenzi,
Kutokwa damu nyingi wakati wa hedhi (Mke),
Kupenda kurukiarukia mambo ya watu wengine (tabia ya kufuatilia mambo yasiyokuhusu),
Kuumwa na kichwa,
Kukakamaa mgongo (wanaume),
Kuingiliwa kirahisi na jini mahaba,
Kupoteza umakini ktk kazi (efficiency),
Siku ukikutana kimwili na mwenye virusi bila kinga utaambukizwa kirahisi mno,
Waweza ku-develop tabia mpya ambayo hukuwahi kuwa nayo ili iwe mbadala kama ulevi n.k. Tendo la Ndoa kwa Muda Mrefu

Aise, kwa kawaida kama wewe si mgonjwa wa aina yoyote ile, kwa maana ya ugonjwa ku-offset system ya mwili, madhara ya kutofanya tendo la ndoa kwa muda mrefu ni makubwa kuliko unavyofikiria as long as upo ktk active range of age! madhara yapo ya Negative na positive.

Mfumo wa fahamu (central novous system) hutumia zaidi tendo la ndoa ku-radiate energy inayowezesha ubongo pamoja na mifumo mingine ya mwili kufanya kazi zake vizuri bila msongo. Suala hapa si lazima uke na uume kukutana na kuingiliana (penetration) ila tu stimulation(msisimko) inayofikisha mtu kileleni (orgasms). kwahiyo, nature(asili) inataka mke na mme kufanikisha zoezi hili maana ni jambo muhimu kama ilivyo kutoka jasho mwilini maana sio tu mwili unaondoa uchafu ndani lakini pia inacontrol joto la mwili (cooling effect).

Anayesema amekaa zaidi ya mwaka na hana madhara.., well sikatai wala sikubali maana hatuna ushahidi nalo lakini zipo njia nyingi mbadala kama kutumia sex toys, dildo(vibrant artificial penis zitumiazo umeme), usagaji n.k. sasa sijui yeye anatumia ipi sababu vichocheo anavyo mwilini and, it's brain iniciated.

Ukidumu bila tendo la ndoa muda mrefu, baadhi ya madhara madogomadogo nikama haya:
Hasira za mara kwa mara ktk mambo madogo,
kupendelea sana kuangalia picha za uchi,
Kupendelea story za mapenzi,
Kutokwa damu nyingi wakati wa hedhi (Mke),
Kupenda kurukiarukia mambo ya watu wengine (tabia ya kufuatilia mambo yasiyokuhusu),
Kuumwa na kichwa,
Kukakamaa mgongo (wanaume),
Kuingiliwa kirahisi na jini mahaba,
Kupoteza umakini ktk kazi (efficiency),
Siku ukikutana kimwili na mwenye virusi bila kinga utaambukizwa kirahisi mno,
Waweza ku-develop tabia mpya ambayo hukuwahi kuwa nayo ili iwe mbadala kama ulevi n.k.


Wanawake Wengi Kutembea Nusu Uchi, Kumbe Wana Lao Jambo

Kuna wakati wanaume hudhani kwamba, wanawake wanaovaa nusu uchi huwa wanafanya hivyo kwa sababu ya kutafuta soko kwa wanaume. Inawezekana kukawa na wale ambao wana sababu hizo, lakini wapo wale ambao wanalipa fidia kutokana na kuamini kwao kwamba, sura zao zimewaangusha, hivyo miguu yao mizuri inabidi kuziba pengo au udhaifu huo.

Wakati mwingine hata wanawake wanaodhani au kudhaniwa kuwa ni wazuri, wamekuwa wakivaa nguo fupi zinazoonyesha maungo yao. Hawa nao ni lazima wanalipa fidia ya kasoro fulani waliyo nayo. Inawezekana wameshindwa kulinda ndoa zao, au inawezekana hawajaolewa na sasa wanataka kuonyesha kwamba, pamoja na kutoolewa kwao, bado wao wana sura na miguu au miili mizuri.

Udhaifu wowote ambao unamkera mwanamke iwe ni wa moja kwa moja au kupitia nyuma ya ubongo wake, unaweza kuonyeshwa kwa mwanamke huyo kuyatangaza yale maeneo ya mwili wake ambayo anaamini ni mazuri. Kuyatangaza huko humpa ahueni kwa kuamini kwamba bado anayo thamani, kwani ataangaliwa sana na wanaume, kusifiwa na pengine kutongozwa.

Hebu angalia wanawake ambao wanavaa nguo za kubana huku wakiwa na makalio makubwa. Hawa mara nyingi wana sura ambazo wao au wengi huamini kwamba ni mbaya. Huvaa nguo hizi ili kuonyesha kwamba, pamoja na ubaya wa sura zao, bado wao ni wazuri sana katika maeneo mengine ya mwili ambayo wanaume na hata wanawake wengi huyapenda au kutamani kuwa nayo.

Wengi hawavai tu nguo hizi za kubana kwa sababu ni fasheni, la hasha, wengi hili ni kimbilio la udhaifu wao.


NeNe Leakes, Kim Zolciak reconcile: 'It Made Me Cry,' Leakes say

Hell has frozen over. After one of the ugliest friend breakups in Bravo history, "Real Housewives of Atlanta" star NeNe Leakes and Kim Zolciak have seemingly reconciled. The evidence? On Wednesday, both women tweeted about an emotional chat. "Just had the best chat wit @Kimzolciak!" the "New Normal" actress Leakes, 45, wrote. "Now I see @BrielleZolciak is following me! I just pulled off the road 2 cry. This is 2 much." (Brielle, 16, is mom-of-four Zolciak's eldest child.)

"Tardy for the Party" singer Zolciak, 34, also chimed in about the hatchet-burying chat. "My heart is at such peace @neneleakes best chat ever! See u soon! #onwardandupward"

Still overcome the next morning, Leakes added of the exchange via Facebook: "Couldn't believe I had the best chat with Kim Zolciak yesterday. Then took a moment to reflect and it made me cry.
This is too much."

Indeed, two sources tell Us that the twosome first reconciled at the season-five reunion, which was taped March 13 -- chatting amiably and eventually hugging.

Clashing with many of the women, Zolciak abruptly left the Bravo smash in the middle of season five, and is still definitely feuding with at least two castmates: Kandi Burruss, who has sued Zolciak for profits made from sales of "Tardy for the Party," which Burruss wrote; Kandi Factory star Burruss, 36, is being represented in the case by fellow housewife, attorney) Phaedra Parks.

In the past, former BFFs Zolciak and Leakes got into numerous scuffles -- including one memorable season-three throwdown aboard a bus, in which Leaks accused Zolciak of being a racist. In turn, Zolciak once called Leakes a "moose."

"My priorities have changed," said Zolciak last November following her taped exit on the show. "I want positivity around me. [The Atlanta women are] not happy for me. They're not supportive."


Brown: I'm 'Eternally Grateful' to Rihanna

Chris Brown is attempting to own up to his mistakes made in 2009 when he was involved in a brutal domestic dispute with his on-again, off-again girlfriend Rihanna. Briefly opening up to Ryan Seacrest on his Tuesday morning KIIS FM radio show, he told the host that he was "eternally grateful" to the pop star for the forgiveness she's shown him.

The R&B singer admitted that he wasn't sure if she'd ever forgive him after what occurred, but that he now sees the incident as a "learning step." He told Seacrest, "I just tried my best to be the best man I could be over the years and just show her how remorseful and sorry I was for the incident and that time was probably the worst part of my life and being that she has and she's a wonderful person I'm eternally grateful and thankful."

So, are the two together now? "It's still like we're kids. I try not to be too grown and be like, 'Let's have candlelight dinner every night.' I try to make sure everything is fun. It has to be fun and it has to be genuine."

Adding of his bad choices in the past, "I could put that on my age but that would just be making an excuse. I think for me that at age 18, 19 I was capable of writing and producing songs, so I'm also capable of making the right choices. So I think it's about a learning process now. Being at that young age I can tell you I was arrogant and definitely hotheaded.

Everybody has a temper, but for me it was not knowing how to control it when I thought I had the world in my hands."

But how does this explain the 23-year-old singer's recent Twitter wars? Admitting that it's a problem, Brown confessed to Seacrest that he had to completely delete his Instagram account and he's "not as hands on" with his Twitter any longer. "But sometimes when you're a young kid and you have impulsive techniques you kind of get like, 'Arghhh! I can't stand you,'" Brown attempts to explain his social networking blow-ups. "People love [Twitter wars], they eat it up, so I'd rather not feed them that."

Brown says of winning back his former fans, "People are entitled to their opinions. I can't go around blaming. It's all about my responsibility and me growing up as a man. So I think now that I'm becoming older, and trying to mature in this life under the public eye at all times, I have to focus on doing the right thing and being more of a humble individual."


Chris Brown on Rihanna assault: 'I was arrogant and definitely hotheaded'

Chris Brown knows that no one will ever forget the night he assaulted Rihanna before the February 2009 Grammys, but as he prepares to release his new album, he's hoping to put at least some of that old drama behind him. On Tuesday, the controversial R&B star stopped by Ryan Seacrest's KIIS FM radio show, where he spoke candidly about what he learned from the incident, why it happened, and how he convinced Rihanna to not just forgive him but take him back.

Asked whether he thinks his youth was to blame for the violent outburst, which left his girlfriend's face bruised and swollen, the "Don't Judge Me" singer, now 23, replied: "I could [blame it] on my age, but that would just be making an excuse. I think that at age 18, 19, I was capable of writing and producing songs, so I'm also capable of making the right choices."

Brown admitted, however, that he "was arrogant and definitely hotheaded" at that age. "Everybody has a temper, but for me, it was not knowing how to control it when I thought I had the world in my hands," he explained.

After the assault, the star's public image went from good to bad -- to worse. Radio stations dropped his songs from their playlists, a judge ordered him to stay 50 yards away from Rihanna, and domestic violence organizations skewered him for both the crime and the punishment (which they felt was too lenient). Brown didn't do much to help himself at the time; he vented his frustrations on Twitter and deflected blame for the incident to his stepfather, who allegedly assaulted his mother.

He also engaged in fights -- both physical and verbal -- with stars including Drake and Frank Ocean.

It was through those "trials and tribulations," the singer told Seacrest this week, that he learned his most important lesson. "You can lose it all. And I'm not just saying fame or stardom, because that's not what it's about," he explained. "I'm talking about dignity, integrity. You know, you lose yourself in a way. ... It was a learning step for me. ... I learned from certain mistakes, and I'm getting better as the days come."

"People are entitled to their opinions [about me]. I can't go around blaming [others]," he continued. "It's all about my responsibility and me growing up as a man. So I think now that I'm becoming older and trying to mature in the life under the public eye at all times, I have to focus on doing the right thing and being more of a humble individual."

Rihanna, at least, seems to think Brown is a changed man. After many months of secret trysts, the two publicly reunited last fall, more than three years after the assault.

"I just tried my best to be the best man I could be over the years, and just show her how remorseful and sorry I was for the incident," he explained. "That time was probably the worst part of my life. ... She's a wonderful person, and I'm eternally grateful and thankful [for her forgiveness]."


Angelina Jolie Alipo Tembelea Wakimbizi Huko Congo na Rwanda.

Did Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie manage to pull off the impossible -- a secret wedding in Hollywood? During a trip to a rescue camp in the Democratic Republic of Congo this week, Pitt's 37-year-old fiancee was spotted with some new bling on her ring finger: a simple gold band where her giant platinum engagement sparkler used to be.

The actress and special envoy of the United Nations' refugee agency is currently in Africa with British Foreign Secretary William Hague to raise awareness of warzone rape in the Congo and Rwanda. On Monday, she visited a rescue camp to meet with survivors of sexual violence.

Jolie, who has six kids with Pitt, pledged last year to devote more time to her humanitarian work. "I wake up in the morning as a mom, and I turn on the news like everybody else, and I see what's happening," she said. "I want to be part of the world in a positive way."

The star noted that her family played a large part in her desire to help others. She and Pitt adopted three of their children from other countries and have made a concerted effort to stay connected to those cultures.

And to each other, of course. Last spring, after seven years together, Pitt popped the question with a ring he designed himself -- an emerald-cut diamond surrounded by smaller diamonds, estimated to be around 16 carats total and worth approximately $500,000.

The A-list couple had said previously that they wouldn't wed until the ban on gay marriage was reversed, but in January 2012, Pitt hinted that they changed their minds. "We'd actually like to," he told The Hollywood Reporter of tying the knot, "and it seems to mean more and more to our kids."

"We made this declaration some time ago that we weren't going to do it till everyone can. But I don't think we'll be able to hold out," he continued. "It means so much to my kids, and they ask a lot. And it means something to me, too, to make that kind of commitment."

I love this Lady.


Listen to The Lilly Melody Show

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I had a hard time finding the perfect hair style for my wedding years ago, so I thought I should help others who are getting ready to walk down the aisle by posting these pics, might help someone out there.


Kordell Stewart Files for Divorce from RHOA’s Porsha Williams

Former Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Kordell Stewart has filed for divorce from “Real Housewives of Atlanta” star Porsha Williams after nearly two years of marriage.

Divorce papers were filed with the Fulton County Superior Court in Georgia on March 22, according to Those documents reveal Kordell believes the marriage is ”irretrievably broken.” The two are alleged to be separated.

I swear nothing surprises me anymore, although I didn't like him much Kordell with his controlling issues! He was controlling her hell, and she was defending him for that!!

If you ask ill say that she's better off, although she's going to miss the moneeeey hahahaha!! Who wouldn't?!



I love the show, although the show is full of drama, but I am learning a lot.


I Love Her Looks!!



The Lilly Melody Show on Radio Mbao

Listen to Lily Melody Show- Valentine Special Show - Free Music Streaming & Download:


Happy St Patrick's Day