NI hakika ‘mtaa wa ngono’ umefumuliwa! Sakata hilo lilijiri saa tisa usiku, Ijumaa iliyopita, Barabara ya Shekilango, kuanzia Bamaga hadi Sinza Mori jijini Dar eneo ambalo makahaba wameligeuza chumbani
Kwa mujibu wa takwimu za kiserikali, eneo hilo
(kuanzia Bamaga hadi Sinza Mori) limekubuhu kwa wasichana kujiuza nyakati za usiku huku makao yao makuu yakiwa eneo la Afrika Sana hasa pembezoni mwa Corner Bar.
Mmoja wa viongozi wa serikali ya mtaa ya eneo hilo ambaye aliomba jina lake lisiandikwe , alisema:
“Tumejitahidi sana kushirikiana na polisi ili kutokomeza ukahaba eneo hilo lakini wapi! Hawa mabinti ni wabishi, mbaya zaidi wamelifanya eneo hili kuwa la ngono.
“Watoto wetu wanapita usiku pale wanawaona wanavyofanya, wanatuharibia kizazi kijacho, kama wao wamejishindwa wasiwaambukize wengine.”
Siku ya tukio, saa tisa usiku, askari wa ulinzi shirikishi walijipanga kwa ajili ya kuufumua mtaa huo huku wakiwa na tahadhari kufuatia habari za kiintelijensia kudai kuwa, makahaba hao walipanga kuua mtu punde watakapovamiwa.
Askari hao wakiwa kwenye doria ya kila usiku, waliwavamia makahaba hao eneo lenye majani madogo katikati ya Afrika Sana na Mapambano upande wa yadi ya Mwanamboka wakiwa na wateja wao wakifanya ngono hadharani.
Katika hali iliyoonesha makahaba wamejiimarisha kwa ulinzi siku hizi, wakati wa zoezi hilo, machangu hao sanjari na vibaka wanaowaunga mkono wakisemekana ni ‘walinzi’ wao, waliokota mawe na kuwarushia askari hao hali iliyozua tafrani zaidi.
Ndipo piga nikupige ilipozuka ambapo askari walionesha umahiri wao wa kupambana na wahalifu kwa kuwadhibiti kwa vichapo vya hapa na pale na kufanikiwa kuwaweka wengi chini ya ulinzi.
Kuona hivyo, baadhi ya makahaba na wateja wao walifanikiwa kuwachoropoka askari bila nguo na kutokomea gizani hivyo kulifanya eneo hilo kuwa jeupe.
Katika hali isiyokuwa ya kawaida, baadhi ya makahaba waliokimbia walijikuta wakiacha kwenye majani nguo zao za ndani na kuzua maswali kwamba ni kwa nini hawakuwa wamezivaa!
“Jamani hizi si nguo zao za ndani? Ina maana wakiwa kazini hawavai siyo? Wanakuwa tayaritayari kwa kazi? Jamani!” alisema kwa mshangao mkubwa mmoja wa askari hao.
Licha ya kuwa chini ya ulinzi mkali, baadhi ya makahaba walionaswa walikuwa wakiwalalamikia askari hao kwamba wanawafuatafuata wakati kila mtu siku hizi anaangalia atakulaje!
“Mnatuonea bure, nyie mnakula kivyenu na sisi mngetuacha tule kivyetu, hao watoto wenu mnaosema tunawaharibu usiku huu wao wanatokea wapi na wanakwenda wapi?” alisikika akisema kahaba mmoja aliyekuwa mtata kuwekwa chini ya ulinzi.
Mwingine akadakia: "Kama mnataka tuwape uroda si mseme, mnatukamata kila siku kwani tunawatibulia nini majumbani mwenu? Lini tumekuja kuwaghasi wakati mmelala na wake zenu?”
Uchunguzi wa kawaida ulibaini kuwa muda rasmi wa
makahaba hao kuwasili eneo la Corner Bar ili kuanza ‘kazi’ ni saa mbili usiku japokuwa wapo wanaoripoti mapema na kufanya biashara hiyo kwa wizi kulingana na wateja wenye ‘kiu’ nyakati hizo.
Licha ya kuwa chini ya ulinzi, makahaba hao waliahidi endapo watapelekwa polisi na kutoka watarejea eneo hilo kujiuza kwani ndiyo ajira inayowafanya waendelee kuishi katika Jiji la Dar es Salaam, kusomesha watoto vijijini kwao na kuwasaidia wazazi wao mahitaji mbalimbali.
“Hata kama mtatupeleka polisi, tutarudi tu hapa, sisi tunasomesha watoto, tunasaidia wazazi wetu vijijini, pia tunaishi Dar kwa sababu ya kipato hiki cha kuuza miili yetu, acheni hizo,” mmoja wa makahaba hao alisema bila kumung’unya maneno.
Lose Weight By Drinking Water And Tea
You already know that all body functions are performed in the presence of water, so a well hydrated body will allow these functions to be performed faster and more efficiently. Moreover, if you drink plenty of water you will be able to increase your metabolic rate, you feel more full of energy and burn calories by up to 3% faster.
• Controls your appetite
• Increases metabolism
• Increases energy levels
• Significantly improving skin appearance
• A lower water retention in tissues
• Eliminates headaches
• Reduces blood pressure
• Reduces cholesterol
• Elimination of joint pain
• A lower incidence of occurrence of kidney stones
How important is drinking water for a modern diet?
If you understand how important hydration is for your body, you have pay even more attention in case you become adept of a modern diet: eat breakfast semi-prepared or in the office, eat out, at the restaurant from time to time, you get used to substitute meals with snacks, no matter how unhealthy and you have no time to cook every day. This is the modern diet…and the lack of free time leads to this kind of disorder in eating habits.
Why? Foods that contain large amounts of water (think of yogurt, milk, fruits and raw vegetables, soups) tend to degrade faster, which is why most manufacturers are turning to food dehydration (among other processes) in order to extend warranty period and minimize losses. This means that besides the added sugar and fat, your diet will be much poorer in water, where you will often opt for processed food.
So, if you keep a diet and not eat much, or if your diet contains many processed foods, I advise you to have even greater care to supplement the liquid intake!
There's the obvious -- the man can sing, dance, act and produce. And of course, he's got major songwriting skills and a long list of famous collaborators (Mariah Carey, Beyonce, Rihanna and Pitbull) on his résumé.
We also can't forget about his taste in fashion. It's fairly clear that the 33-year-old knows how to dress and accessorize (we'll get to his hat fetish later).
But how about these less obvious facts about the Arkansas-born superstar? His real name is Shaffer Chimere Smith; he's a father of two young children with girlfriend Monyetta Shaw (a girl, Madilyn, and a boy, Mason); he has homes in New York, Los Angeles and Alpharetta, Ga.; he dishes out better than decent advice to youngsters (look out, Justin Bieber!); those who know him best describe him as humble and genuine; and like Beyonce, he employs his own personal photographer.
Wonderwall caught up with Ne-Yo to chat about his new collaboration with singer Cher Lloyd for Fruttare Fruit Bars, and we managed to cover all of the above subjects, as well as his biggest luxury and how many hats he owns. (Hint: It's a lot). But let's start with the part about those abs ...
Your body looks amazing! Lately, you've been showing it off on social media, and giving shout-outs to your trainer or trying to motivate fans with a nod to fitness. How hard is it for you to maintain a healthy lifestyle?
"My trainer travels with me because I know myself. I know that with everything that I do and as much as I move around, that I will get lazy. … But the most important part of it, honestly, is diet. I'm not saying dieting, I'm saying diet. What it is that you eat on a regular basis. Everybody asks me about abs and how do you get your abs to come in. Abs are created in the kitchen. … I give myself one day a week to eat whatever the hell it is I want and throughout the rest of the week I keep it consistent. … It's important as we get older to take care of ourselves."
Speaking of social media, I've been following your updates on Twitter and Instagram and you're always very positive. In an industry where it's easy to get jaded, how do you stay so upbeat? "Because this industry doesn't define me, you know? And other people's opinions of me don't define me. I live my life the way I live my life because it's the way that I choose to live it, and it has nothing to do with another person's opinion or outlook. I believe that you'll get farther with a positive outlook than a negative one. That's something that I've always believed, that's the way I was raised. That's why I do what I do." I've also noticed that you're all over the place, traveling constantly and being a father. Let's talk about your work/life balance. How are you able to have a career and spend time with who you call the two most important people in your life? "The thing about it that really sucks is, you know, these two things are very, very time-consuming and very, very attention-commanding situations. You know, being a father, I want to be there for my kids and not miss any of their milestones. My kids are 1 and 2 years old, so every day something changes. And then on top of that making sure that my career is still in the right place. The sad part of it is that at any given point, one of them has to suffer. … The balance between the two is very, very, very delicate. It takes a lot of understanding on both sides of that gate. So, I thank God for the mother of my children, my mother, my management and my whole team who help me balance out this nearly impossible thing to balance." Do your children travel with you? "No no no, they're too young yet. … I'm gonna wait until they're 4 and 5 or 5 and 6 for me to travel with them like that. I just need them to know where home is and have that sense of security before I start, you know, whipping them all around the world." As you mentioned, young children have milestones almost every day. What are the most recent ones in the lives of your kids that stopped you in your tracks and made you appreciate fatherhood? |
"Well, we are well into the trials and tribulations of potty-training with my daughter. She does not like it -- she does not like it at all! But I mean, it's something that she's gonna have to pick up -- you gotta pick it up. My son, his personality blossomed a little later. Maddie was trying to talk and everything at seven months, with Mase, he just recently started smiling and being playful and whatnot. He was a very calm and serene baby for a long time. My mom said I was the same way. He finally is interacting with other kids and interacting with his sister a lot more, so I'm really happy about that."
Let's talk personal style. When I hear the name Ne-Yo, it's synonymous with great style. What is your personal style philosophy and where do you find inspiration?
"I normally dress for comfort, and I know that a lot of people would say that a suit is not the most comfortable wardrobe choice, but it's all in the way you wear the suit. It's all in the power of your tailor. That's the reality of it. And then it's probably just when to wear what. My album, 'Year of the Gentleman,' was my attempt at trying to lead by example, so to speak. I feel a lot of people kind of missed the point, they felt like if they put on a suit that means they're a gentleman. But if you've noticed, as of late, I have shied away from the suit a little bit just to show people that being a gentleman is on the inside, not the outside. … What's on the inside has to match the outside. A gentleman is your persona, your personality, your chivalry and things of that nature, not the nice suit that you're wearing. Anybody can put on a suit."
That's ma baby daddy Ne-Yo
Take a Drink
In the natural, every day, we get thirsty. Water is what we need to sustain life. When we are out in the heat or exerting our bodies physically, even more water is required to keep us hydrated and functioning optimally. Spiritually, we need water every day, too. We need to refresh our hearts and minds as much as we need to refresh our bodies. Jesus said, “I am the Living Water. If you drink of Me, you will never thirst again.” During the day, we all have things that come against us spiritually. We all feel the heat, so to speak. It’s easy to get upset or stressed out, but that’s when you need to take a two-minute break and go drink of the Living Water. Get quiet and say, “God, I need You. I’m asking You, God, to help me stay strong. Help me to stay in peace.” Remember, Jesus is the only one who can truly satisfy your inner thirst. Turn to Him, receive from Him, and you will find rest and refreshing for your soul. Anytime you need to, just take a drink! |
Wadau Wa Houston Wakishuhudia Miami Heat wakipigwa Vibaya na Spurs!!!
PICHA ZA Watanzania-Houston Wafanya Harambee Kwa Ajili Ya Kuusafirisha Mwili Wa Marehemu Jerome Mpefo
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Marehemu Jerome![]() |