Most of the time, the simple things are the ones that keep you satisfied and help you go on during the tough times.

In the coming weeks, I’ll be giving you doses of happiness and positivity – a great prescription for many of the ailments of our heart, mind, and spirit. So let’s start on a positive note. And what better way to do this than by telling you about the first 3 “happy” things that cross my mind as I write?
Good Food
Good food’s always made my day, even when things don’t seem right. It doesn’t have to be a grand feast. It can be just an old-fashioned doughnut and a cup of brewed coffee on a gloomy, rainy afternoon. Or it can be a healthy salad of fresh greens drizzled with fruity vinaigrette when I’m eating alone and too tired to cook. As long as it tastes good, it will surely make me smile like a satisfied fat cat. But cooking and baking can be therapeutic activities for me. And I take even more pleasure in seeing my family and friends enjoy everything that I serve them.
I love to travel, even if it’s just going to a town a few kilometers away from where I live. Seeing different places and faces and experiencing different cultures refresh me and even educate me about people, places, and many others. Traveling with my husband and my little girl is even much better. In our recent trip, I didn’t just have a lot of fun. I’ve also had a lot of wonderful discoveries about the three of us.
Like any other house, you’ll hear some frustrations and some misunderstandings in ours. But you’ll definitely chance upon laughter in our home everyday. These days, it’s usually because of our daughter’s singing, impersonation, and any of her other newly discovered talents. But even before our little girl arrived, I remember that we would end up bursting out laughing while watching TV and even when discussing household concerns. We don’t have a perfect relationship, but we do our best to keep each other happy. And I think I’m fortunate that it doesn’t take much effort for us to accomplish that.
But enough about me. Why not take a couple of minutes to think at least one thing that makes YOU happy? And please don’t hesitate to share it with us. Who knows? Your thoughts might perk up someone’s day – even your own.