Get Gorgeous Now: 7 Instant Tips To Enhance Your Beauty


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Getting gorgeous shouldn’t be a task and certainly shouldn’t take you hours. It should be fun and easy–for heaven’s sake we’ve got shopping to do, right! Save yourself a headache and use these tips to look fab in minutes.

  1. H2O: The remedy to healthier skin is simple: Drink more water. Keep a water bottle filled at your desk so you remember to sip regularly. Trade out your daily coffee or soda for some delish herbal tea. Dehydration starts in your skin.
  2. Shimmer: Bronzer is your bff. Add it to the inner corners of your eyes, cheekbones and brow bone for a quick glowing beauty boost. This will definitely help hide the stress of the day.
  3. Refresh: I recently found a mist of spray toner. The beauty benefits are endless. Mainly to keep your skin hydrated under all that makeup.
  4. Sleep: Never enough hours in the day but it’s true. More sleep or even a nap mean much healthier complexion. Challenge yourself to get to bed 30 minutes at less two times a week.
  5. Stand up straight: Besides the fact that slouching is a sign of your lack of confidence, your clothes will hang much better giving you an instant boost of gorgeousness.
  6. Open Your Eyes: Never leave home without putting on your mascara– it’s a girl’s best friend when it comes to getting gorgeous in a hurry. Get into the nightly habit of curling your lashes to further the length. You can also add a double coat of mascara to really make your eyes pop.
  7. Upgrade your lippy game: Step outside of your normal blak gloss and insert a hot red or vampy purple to your face. You’ll spend all day looking at your renewed face and I’m sure a few heads will turn too.