14 Signs Your Teen Is Dealing With Domestic Violence
It is no secret that media and technology have a major impact on the day to day lives of teenagers everywhere. Therefore it is important that the relationship choices of their favorite rappers, pop stars and reality TV stars are not the only messages informing their dating and relationship choices. Media’s promotion of disrespect and unwarranted abuse must be both monitored and prevented in the lives of today’s youth.
It is never too early to talk to your teenager about domestic violence or dating abuse. According to a study by Love is Not Abuse, about 72 percent of 8th and 9th graders are “dating,” and one in three adolescents in the U.S. is a victim of physical, sexual, emotional or verbal abuse from a dating partner (a figure that far exceeds rates of other types of youth violence).
Domestic violence is affecting more teens today than ever. “Nearly 1.5 million high school students nationwide experience physical abuse from a dating partner in a single year.”
Prevention starts with education. Look for the warning signs and take action. Here are a few of the obvious and not so obvious signs that may indicate that your teen is either in or headed towards an abusive relationship:
1. Sudden changes in their friendship circle2. Lack of interest in activities, school or failing grades3. Isolation from friends and family4. Emotional outbursts5. Excessive calling/texting or desire to quickly call/text back a significant other6. Social media harassment, humiliation, or constant pressure to “status update/check in”7. Romanticizing of significant other’s jealous remarks or behavior8. Frequent demand of privacy or secretive behavior9. Constant apologetic language10. Excessive makeup or unusual clothing choices (to hide physical bruises, scratches etc.)11. Overall change in temperament or personality12. Sudden criticism of their own appearance, talent, abilities etc.13. Name calling by their significant other (sometimes veiled or dismissed as “joking”)14. Improper justification of behavior (their own and/or their significant other’s)