Easy Tips For Glowing Skin
You are beautiful and you are awesome!
So you need to protect your lovely skin, and you need to follow these
steps carefully! I bet you’ll love your glow in your new skin.
1- You need to cleanse your skin regularly! How
many times? Different skin types need different care. Most doctors
suggest 1-2 times a day, but it really depends on your skin and the time
you want to allocate!
What I suggest is doing a little
experiment: Try cleansing your skin with different frequencies for 2-3
weeks and compare the results. After this period, you’d find your
personal perfect frequency for your OWN skin. But remember after finding
your own formula, be consistent and stick to your routin!
While there’re some popular brands for
use on acne, you can find many other natural and cheaper ways for
cleansing your skin. For those who prefer an organic method, lemon
juice, dandelion sap, honey and cucumber are some of the most
recommended choices.
Remember for cleansing your skin use mild cleansers and never use hot water.
After finish gently rubbing the cleanser onto your skin, wash your face
with cool water. You don’t need to dry your skin afterward.
2- Moisture: Dried skin is one of the main causes of
wrinkles. If you have dry skin, you need to make sure that your face is
getting the moisture it needs. Use a gentle moisturizer to keep your
skin feeling soft and glowing. For more organic choices use coconut oil
and almond oil.- coconuts by Dan Iserman (Flickr)
3- Never sleep with make up on: Make up covers the pores of skin and causes the sweat buds to be closed. So it can cause Acne.
make up by Vancouver Film School (Flickr)
4- Wash your face with cold water, not hot (or warm) water and do it at least twice daily.
cold water by Kelley Neff (Flickr)
5- Make sure to drink lots of water.
Your body and your skin needs plenty of water during the day to keep
removing waste through the sweat from your skin. Although it’s a myth
that “You should drink eight glasses of water a day.”, but drink as much
as possible!
6- Exercise face expressions and smile often: Facial
expressions including smile are very good tools to exercise your facial
muscles. The reason behind formation of wrinkles is the loosening of
facial muscles when we age. By these exercises we postpone aging of the
muscles and make them stronger.
face expressions by pixieGraphy
7- Use Facial Masks: There’re
manny different natural masks that you can use on your skin. Facial
masks help your skin rehydrate and help to exfoliate the waste that is
accumulated on your skin. Famous examples of facial masks are egg,
cucumber and papaya:
A face mask made of fresh tomato and papaya pulp is loaded with anti-aging
nutrients. Apply once a fortnight to keep your skin radiant! You can
simply mash the fruit or mix it with milk or yogurt and apply it like a
mask. Leave it on between 15 to 25 minutes No need to buy expensive
chemical peels with designer labels to peel your facial skin!
face mask by Jonathan Morgan (Flickr)
Don’t touch your face obsessively.
Many people have bad habits of messing with acne or leaning their face
on their hands. Do not pop zits or mess with pimples. Just stay away
from these habits and do not interfere with your skin. Also you should
wash your pillow regularly to remove the oil-based wastes that are
secreted from your skin during the sleep.
Protect your face from the sun by using sunblock every day.
Ultraviolet (UV) rays gradually damage the skin over time and
sunscreens help us to protect against UV damage. To learn more about
sunscreens check out this amazingpostivemed